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Consulado de Colombia en Miami


Pasaporte Código








The validity of the Ground Crew Document is subject to the expiration date of the Original Service Permit (Permiso Originario de Prestación de Servicios.).

I order to check and exercise due controls the national competent entity must immediately inform to Migracion Colombia la expiry or cancellation of such permit. On the same grounds the Ground Crew Document will lose validity if it has been tampered with, amended or in a state of deterioration that makes it impossible for it to serve its purpose or when it expires. 

What is it?

The Ground Crew Document  is an individual document issued by migratory authorities that have suscribed the Cartagena Accord, on behalf of Ground Transportation Companies authorized for international transport. This document is for the crew that accompanies the vehicle in international ground transport and is valid for 12 months. It will only be issued to a citizen or an alien with a legal resident visa. 

The Ground Crew Document replaces the passport and waives him/her from a visa when he/she fully complies with the requirements for its issuance. 


See The Single Information Procedures System - SUIT(Sistema Unico de Información de Trámites)



Av. Carrera 19 N° 98-03 Edificio Torre 100 and Sede Calle 53: Calle 53 No 10-60/46, Piso 2.

Office hours:

  • Doors open: M – F at 7:30 am
  • Services begin:  M - F from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Pickup times:  M - F from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Antioquia Department - Medellin
  • Atlantico Department - Barranquilla
  • Santander Department - Bucaramanga
  • Norte de Santander Department - Cucuta
  • Nariño Department - Pasto

Todas las Gobernaciones donde tenemos acuerdo 

Opening hours:

Please check with the repective offices.


(t) = Departmental Taxes. You must consult this charge at the local office.


PSE payments guide
Servibanca payments guide

Payment must be made on the day on which the receipt for any of the following forms of payment, otherwise a new receipt must be produced with the date of the day on which payment is made.

  • If the procedure is processed on line, it may be made at branches of Banco GNB Sudameris at national level and if at the office in Bogota at cash points or personally, payment must be made at the branch of Banco Sudameris located at the facilities of the Apostille and Legalization office.
  • Cards associated with the Red VISA network. This payment must be made directly at the Apostille and Legalization office on the Seventh Floor.
  • Network of automatic Servibanca cash points.
  • Payment by PSE for which you must have an active account in Colombia authorized by the respective financial entity which provide the service of electronic payments.
  • For procedures carried out in Valledupar (Cesar Department), Sincelejo (Sucre Department), Riohacha (Guajira Department, San Andrés, Yopal (Casanare Department), Quibdo (Choco Department), Mocoa (Putumayo Department), Arauca (Arauca Department) and Leticia (Amazonas Department), please make your payment at Banco Agrario.



Requirements for Land Crew Passport

  • Request in writing by the transporter stating the name or firm name of the company and the full name of the crew member, signed by the company’s legal representative.
  • Copy of the certificate of qualification and of the Complementary Service Provision Permits.
  • Form SC-FO-36 for individual request for a land crew permit duly completed by the Transporter company in the name of its driver.
  • Original of the citizenship card in valid format or alien’s identity card, as the case may be, and a photocopy of same. Two (2) photocopies are required by Departmental Governments.
  • In cases in which the format of the citizenship card of the applicant for the land crew permit is not valid, a request for same based on the issue of the respective certification accompanied by a previous permit is permitted.
  • If the applicant has rectified his/her identity document and has not received his/her citizenship card in a valid format, he/she must present the certification of the rectification procedure and an original or authentic copy of the civil registration of birth held at the office where the procedure was carried out, with the respective amendment.
  • Two (2) recent identical photographs, in color, facing the camera, 3.5x4.5 cm. If the procedure is to be at Departmental Governments, three (3) photographs of the same characteristics are required.
  • Bank receipt for payment of the current cost of the land crew permit on the date of presentation of the application, which must contain the crew member’s full name and the number of his/her identity document.



Requirements for Land Crew Passport Renewal


  • Solicitud por escrito de la empresa transportadora, indicando el nombre o razón social de la empresa, el nombre completo del tripulante y firmada por el representante legal de la empresa.
  • Copia del certificado de idoneidad y de los Permisos Complementarios de Prestación de Servicios.
  • Fotocopia o certificación del documento de identidad del tripulante.
  • Fotocopia de la cédula de ciudadanía en formato valido ó cedula de extranjería, según sea el caso.
  • En los casos en que el solicitante de la libreta de tripulante terrestre no cuente con la cédula de ciudadanía en formato válido, se permitirá la solicitud de la misma teniendo como documento base de expedición la contraseña acompañada de un pasaporte anterior.
  • En caso de que el solicitante haya efectuado alguna rectificación de su documento de identidad y no haya recibido la cédula de ciudadanía en formato válido, debe presentar la contraseña del trámite de la rectificación y copia original o auténtica del registro civil de nacimiento que reposa en la oficina en donde se efectuó el trámite con la respectiva modificación.
  • Recibo de pago bancario por el valor vigente de la renovación de la libreta de tripulante terrestre a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud, en el que debe figurar el nombre completo y el número del documento de identificación del tripulante.