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Consulado de Colombia en Miami

First time

Any Colombian by birth or adoption who is of age may apply by fulfilling the following requirements.

  • Personal attendance
  • Eighteen (18) years of age or more
  • Civil registration of birth and identity card (if any) if he/she is Colombian by birth, holds a certificate of nationality, or a registration resolution if he/she is Colombian by adoption.
  • Three (3) 4 X 5 cm photographs, facing the camera, against a white background and wearing dark clothes. If bald or very blonde the background color must be blue.
  • Rh. factor and blood group.

To verify your citizenship card status and the place of issue, visit the website of the National Registry Office, which is the competent entity responsible for issuing these documents.

If you wish your citizenship card to be sent to a place other than where it was issued, you may request it to be sent, free of cost, by filling out the form available on the Registry’s website at National Registry Office.

Note: This service is free of charge at colombian consulates abroad.


Trámites y Servicios