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Consulado de Colombia en Miami


Pasaporte Código







Types Costs in Bogota D.C. Costs outside Bogota D.C.
Ordinary $136.000 $136.000 + (t)
Executive $226.000 $226.000 + (t)
Emergency $155.000 $155.000 + (t)
(t) = Departmental Taxes. Verify with the respective Departmental Government.


PSE payments guide
Servibanca payments guide

Payment must be made on the day on which the receipt for any of the following forms of payment, otherwise a new receipt must be produced with the date of the day on which payment is made.

  • If the procedure is processed on line, it may be made at branches of Banco GNB Sudameris at national level and if at the office in Bogota at cash points or personally, payment must be made at the branch of Banco Sudameris located at the facilities of the Apostille and Legalization office.
  • Cards associated with the Red VISA network. This payment must be made directly at the Apostille and Legalization office on the Seventh Floor.
  • Network of automatic Servibanca cash points.
  • Payment by PSE for which you must have an active account in Colombia authorized by the respective financial entity which provide the service of electronic payments.
  • For procedures carried out in Valledupar (Cesar Department), Sincelejo (Sucre Department), Riohacha (Guajira Department, San Andrés, Yopal (Casanare Department), Quibdo (Choco Department), Mocoa (Putumayo Department), Arauca (Arauca Department) and Leticia (Amazonas Department), please make your payment at Banco Agrario.


Ordinary and Executive Passports - SUIT
Emergency Passport - SUIT


Ordinary Passport EUR 95 USD $132
Executive Passport EUR 144 USD $201
Emergency Passport EUR 78 USD $112
Border Passport* N/A USD $25*
Exempt Passport N/A N/A

Previous table includes stamp duty.


  2014 Costs for Europe (EUROS)
Ministery Base Cost Stamp Duty Total Cost

Ordinary Passport

€ 56 € 39 € 95
Executive Passport € 105 € 39 € 144
Emergency Passport € 78 € 0 € 78


  2014 Costs for The Rest of The World (US$)
Ministery Base Cost Stamp Duty Total Cost

Ordinary Passport

$81 $51 $132
Executive Passport $150 $51 $201
Emergency Passport $112 $ 0 $112

*Only at colombian consulates in Brasil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru y Venezuela

PSE payments guide

Payment is required for the application to go through the system.
  • Electronic payment: Using the PSE Online Button. You must have a valid bank account in Colombia for this.


Note: When making your payment please ask your Consul which additional methods of payment are available.  Colombian Consulate.



Ordinary and Executive Passports - SUIT
Emergency Passport - SUIT



  • Por un valor adicional al del pasaporte, usted podrá solicitar la entrega a domicilio del mismo. Si está interesado, consulte con el funcionario al momento de realizar el trámite.

Nota: Debe confirmar con la oficina expedidora si aplica este servicio.