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Consulado de Colombia en Miami


Pasaporte Código







In Colombian territory you may obtain your Passport at the offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located in Bogotá or at the Gobernaciones that have been authorized for such. 

Abroad you may visit a Colombian consulate, only entities officially authorized to issue Passports to Colombian nationals. Abroad there are 5 types of Machine Readable Passports you may apply for: Ordinary, Executive, Emergency, Border and Exempt. 

Before applying for your Passport please check if you fulfill all requirements for its approval. Consult the left hand menu where you will find said requirements, as well as the costs and payments and the places you can direct yourself to. 

Annotation: In accordance to Article 22 of Law No. 43 of 1993, Colombian citizens with dual nationality will be subject, in Colombian territory, to the Constitution and Laws of the Republic. Therefore the inmigration and emigration processes must always be done in his/her status as Colombian citizens and a current valid Colombian Passport is required.

Important Information:

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to accept or process applications of documents in bad shape, illegible or with additions/strokes.
  • When you receive your Passport please check the biographical data printed on it and make sure they are correct. In the event some error is noticed you will have a maximum of 30 days to notify the issuing office in order to receive a new and corrected one.
  • The Passport holder has a maximum of 6 months to claim the document. In case you do not pick up the document it will be annulled and the applicant must request and pay for a new one.
  • No modifications or rectifications are allowed in the Passports. In the event a modification or rectification is required the citizen will have to apply for a new one and pay for it.
  • No Colombian citizen may hold more than one current valid Passport except when an Emergency Passport is authorized.

To pick up your Passport:

  • The title holder must present his/her National ID card and the receipt that proves the payment in order to claim the Passport.
  • The Passport of an underaged minor must be picked up by one of his parents, his legal guardian or he whom with, legal power of attorney, accompanied the minor to apply for the Passport. He/she will also need the National ID card and the receipt that proves the payment. 

The service guarantees that your passport will be ready for despatch once we received the payment, within

  • Twenty-four working hours in Bogotá D.C
  • Forty-eight working hours outside Bogotá D.C
  • If you are overseas your passport will be available for despatch or collection from the Colombian diplomatic mission or consulate where you applied within 8 working days.

Pending Passports for Claim

In the following archive you can find the passports that have been returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Colombian diplomatic mission or consulate in the country and overseas.

In case that your passport is in the list you can pick it up in person at the Avenida 19 No. 98-03, building Torre 100, the person must also provide proof of identity. 

Click here to look the list



*The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will only issue this type of Passport when the reasons given by the applicant prove that he/she is in an exceptional situation that impedes the issuance of an ordinary or executive Passport.

** The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Diplomatic Missions in Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela will issue this type of Passports to Colombians living in those countries.

*** The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Diplomatic Missions abroad will issue this Passport to Colombians in situation of: Deportees, Expelled, Repatriated, Poacher and those with orders from a competent authority requesting the annulment of the current Passport and other extreme situations to be judged by the Colombian consul.