The Colombian by birth or adoption who is of age, and does not have the certificate on the last valid format "yellow with holograms" may make the request, certifying the following.
Requirements :
- Appear in person.
- Provide the number of the identity card
- Three photographs of 4x5 cm, taken from the front, in color and white, dark clothing. If no hair or is very clear the background should be blue.
- Know the RH and Blood Group.
If the person did not remember or do not have the number of the identity card, you need to provide your birth certificate or baptismal certificate, to identify through the registrar record number assigned to the citizen.
For the state it finds its identity card, see page of the National Registry of Civil Status , as this is the competent authority responsible for carrying out the issuance of these documents and the site of delivery of the same .
If you want your card to be sent to a different place to where it was prepared, may request the transfer of your document at no cost, by completing the form available on the website of the National Registry of Civil Status for transfers.
Note: This service is free.